Working in the community for the community
Twitter: @infofromFMC. Facebook: farleys malone community LinkedIn Farleys Malone Community
Twitter: @infofromFMC. Facebook: farleys malone community LinkedIn Farleys Malone Community
Amesbury Area Demographic and need
43% of people aged over 65 in the Amesbury Community Area are at high risk of social isolation. The Amesbury Community Area also has fewer unpaid carers than the Wiltshire Average, therefore increasing the risk of ill health and loneliness amongst older and vulnerable people within the community. Wiltshire Council statistics confirm that there are 268 adults aged over 85 in the Amesbury Community Area, of which a significant number are on- going clients of Farleys Malone Community. However, there are many more who are the "unknown and invisible" in society and often not on anyone's radar.
What we do
Having identified the need we researched how we could best provide this service. On the first of April 2016 Farleys Malone Community was created and in October 2016 was awarded Charitable Status.
Farleys Malone Community works across the Amesbury Community Board Area, offering information, support, signposting, and safeguarding to those most vulnerable in the community. It will help provide much needed help and support to those who need it most.
Our Community Consultant bridges the gap between the Volunteer Services within the community and the professional services offered by statutory bodies, offering local services to local people in order to assist them to stay safe and well in their own homes or wherever they wish to be. With the reduction of services from Local Authorities this service is needed now more than ever.
Over the past 9 months we have made over 217 home visits, run 3 community outings and provided 760 meals at 30 community lunches. We currently have 77 active clients.
We have participated in 53 events local to the Amesbury Community Area to highlight the service.
Without this service, those most vulnerable in the Amesbury Community Area who are unable to navigate their way through the minefield of information provided on line for their future and benefit, would be left in the dark. We are providing mobile internet connectivity for the completion of necessary forms and surveys which directly effect their lives, and which can be completed in their own homes or community gatherings.
As an independent confidential service our success for the wider community is in the reduction of hospital admissions, calls to social services, reduced GP appointments and most definitely a reduction in emergency unplanned care. Encouraging those who are socially isolated to reintegrate into the community and enjoy a long and fulfilling life.
We encourage Service Users to manage as much of their own affairs as possible helping them to stay independent. We accept referrals from all the statutory and voluntary agencies as well as families, neighbours and concerned individuals.